Saturday, December 17, 2011

Physiology Movement Cell (Blok 2 Biomedik 1)

Relationship of Potassium to Hydrogen Ions
      K+ and H+ exchange across cell membrane
     Both bind to negatively charged proteins (eg Hb)
     Changes in pH cause shifts in the equilibrium
      acidosis - potassium moves out of cells -> hyperkalaemia
     alkalosis - potassium moves into cells -> hypokalaemia
     Conversely Potassium depletion and excess can affect acid-base status

Give Potassium Chloride (KCL)
Prevent low K+ watch lab with diuretic drugs!!!
What foods are high in K+?______________?
Oral route-Check lab and kidney function
IV route-check lab, validate 30 cc per hour urine output before adding to IV.
Give in stable IV site.

Oral supplementation preferred unless significant symptoms present
Amount of potassium needed proportional to muscle mass and body weight
Each 1 mEq/L decrease in K reflects a deficit of 150-400 m Eq in total body potassium


Severe hyperkalemia is a medical emergency
Neuromuscular signs (weakness, ascending paralysis, respiratory failure)
Progressive ECG changes (peaked T waves, flattened P waves, prolonged PR interval, idioventricular rhythm and widened QRS complex, “sine wave” pattern, V fib)

for more details on the matter "Physiology Movement Cell (Blok 2 Biomedik 1)", Download the file below!!!

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